These are the people I pal around with. Myself (of course), Sarah the bearded dwarf, Yvonne my elf sidekick, and Ally, the other bearded and corseted dwarf. This is our production of There And Back Again in which Yvonne and I played swinging, singing elves on trapeezes. I'll show you pictures of that soon. And this is in Old Queen's Theatre, the urban glorious performance space that the university obtained after street kids had been squatting in it for years. The walls are adorned with graffiti. My favorite reads, "Stefi was Hair." Was she really.

And this is Rodney Elliott, my crazy Engineer friend and I after I introduced him to Sangria. Two full pitchers of it. Then we thought it might be swell to wander around the sunny Hagley Park on our spanish boozified feet and see what kind of fun we could get up to. Alot apparently.

This is just a small sampling of the fun we found. Jaime in a puff ball. Sweet as bro.

Of course we had to take the color contrasty shots of his ridiculous maroon hair against the pretty little orange azaleas.

And this is Ian Jackson and the trusty Bugs who I get to drive to my eternal bliss. She is a 1957's VW Beetle and adorable. Ian is pretending to be a self-directed marionnette trying to put on shoes in Sumner. I found this excessively amusing.
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