Sunday, April 6, 2008

Aoteoroa-Land of the Long White Cloud....

Well, we are making determined strides into Autumn here....yesterday my host Rotary club held their annual duathalon for all the children in Christchurch ...around a thousand showed up(!), and it was FREEZING! We all had on about 75 layers of clothing, but by the time the last determined biker peddled by we were sweating up a storm! That afternoon, the skies filled up with clouds and now, this morning, it is raining cats and dogs :)

We are on our term break at Uni right now and I am extremely glad that it is raining because I have TONS of reading and writing to do on my papers which are due in two weeks! Less distraction with bad weather you know.

There is a Bikram yoga studio around the corner from my house, that's the hot yoga you do in a steaming room, which I have decided to try as a study break. It's also right next to a carving studio which is owned by an amazingly talented one armed Maori carver named John. We had a brilliant conversation about the difference between "real" Maori history and what they sell to the tourists...I felt very fortunate to have such a first hand jaw with someone who is in the know!

Thought I'd post some pics from the big duathalon yesterday for everyone to check was a blast!

1 comment:

Michael Lee said...

I never expected to see you sporting a McDonalds Logo... -grins-